
Archive for the ‘Kids These Days’ Category

The State of New Mexico is investigating the CBS show “Kid Nation” to see if it broke any laws in respect to work permits, contracts, and refusing to allow inspectors onto the property while filming. 

What caught my eye was the description of the premise of the show. 

Sisneros said officials became aware of the show — which places 40 kids, ages 8 to 15, in the New Mexico desert to build a society without any contact with their parents — when an inspector from the Department of Workforce Solutions notified the attorney general that he was not allowed on the property to inspect work permits.

I really have nothing to say about the particular legal issue. 

But if this were a sociological experiment, it would probably be considered unethical.  But since it’s television, I guess it’s perfectly fine to let kids fend for themselves in the desert.  And yeah, I get that the kids were probably not left completely unsupervised.  But 40 of them from the ages of 8 to 15? 

I saw that television show when it was actually a book called Lord of the Flies.  If it were real, it wouldn’t be appropriate to watch.  And if it’s appropriate to watch, it isn’t real.  So what’s the point? 

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… but luckily, Mike Adams wants to help you clear up that nasty case of emotional crabs. He’s a criminal justice professor, after all. Which means he’s, like, totally qualified to talk to college students about sexual health. How does that make him qualified? … Um, why are you asking such tough questions? Have you, too, been brainwashed by the women’s studies professors teacing blow-job techniques and the dish of condoms in the dining hall salad bar? Obiously, you were. Otherwise, you might even be questioning what the picture accompanying the article has to do with college campuses.
Bowl of Condoms in Bar in India
A bartender arranges packets of free condoms in a bowl at India's first 'Condom Bar' in Chandigarh May 26, 2007. REUTERS/Ajay Verma (INDIA)

You see, it’s because bowls of free condoms are much like terrorists. You might think condoms in India to not affect the hymens of our daughters here at home, but let me assure you that bowls of free condoms anywhere in the world make the whole world that much less safe for wingnuttery.

You can click the link above, and read Adams’ whole column. But I highly recommend just reading Kyso’s fabulous take on it here.

Adams: If you are gay and engaging in anal sex, it is unlikely that you will ever see the words “anal sex” listed among the risk factors for contracting AIDS in any campus publication anywhere. Nor is it likely that you will ever hear these words mentioned by any professor discussing such risk factors in a relevant lecture.”

Kyso: To be fair, you do actually have to open the publications and read what’s inside of them rather than just imagining what might be inside of them.

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This has already been everywhere, but oh well. There are just so many interesting things about danah boyd’s social-neworking/class analysis I don’t know where to start. A few weeks ago I mused that “Myspace will remain as the go-to site for musicians, aspiring porn stars and people looking to hook-up with strangers; Facebook for college kids, hipsters, tech geeks, activists and academics.”

Turns out I’m mostly right, according to danah. She has been interviewing young people across the nation about their relationship with social networking and other technological phenomenon, and writes a series of academic and non-acedmic articles about her observations. One of her latest discussions is on class divisions evident in the Facebook/MySpace divide.

Until recently, American teenagers were flocking to MySpace. The picture is now being blurred. Some teens are flocking to MySpace. And some teens are flocking to Facebook. Who goes where gets kinda sticky… probably because it seems to primarily have to do with socio-economic class.

After hashing out the obvious origins of this divide (facebook’s original .edu account only membership policy), danah attempts to briefly deal with just what “class” actually means in U.S. society, which I thought was one of the most interesting parts of the essay. She cites sociologist Nalini Kotamraju, who argued that lifestyle and “social stratification” are more indicative of class in the U.S. than income.

In other words,” danah writes, “all of my anti-capitalist college friends who work in cafes and read Engels are not working class just because they make $14K a year and have no benefits. Class divisions in the United States have more to do with social networks (the real ones, not FB/MS), social capital, cultural capital, and attitudes than income.

Ezra picks up this thread and adds

I’m not making very much right now, but … there’s an issue of potential here. I’m choosing a low-income field, but it would be easy enough for me to take the LSAT, dart off to law school, and quintuple my salary. Not choosing that option doesn’t mean it’s not there. Should class actually be tired to the most-renumerative reality you could feasibly inhabit?

Similarly, I’ve been in grad school this year, and making practically nothing, like most of my fellow students. But no one would look at us, our lives, our possessions, and call us “working class.” We have ikea furniture and laptops and iPods and embarrassingly high weekly bar tabs, though combinations of previous incarnations in the working world, help from parents, student loans, meager part-time incomes, school stipends, etc. (for the record, my parents are not paying for anything for me, lest you think I’m one of those subsidized academic brats). And we have post-grad prospects that, while dismally not as bright-and-shiny as we’d like, at least mean that we’ll be able to make our way in the world and keep drinking expensive beer and maybe even open a savings account some day soon. Commenters at Ezra’s point out that, really, education is what we’re talking about here. And upward mobility. But education is the clearest predictor of upward mobility, so … class can be boiled down to education.

This is gonna get me off on a tangent here, but … I never realized how much the type of education you had predicts your future success until I moved to DC. I went to a state school in Ohio and entered the job market in Ohio and pretty much everybody else I was competing with went to school in Ohio and nobody much cared if you went to a private school or a state school or a community college. But in DC, which can afford to be much more picky, I’ve noticed that certain internships, certain types of jobs, certain networks, are nearly exclusively brimming with Ivy-leaguers or people with equally impressive academic credentials. Sometimes it’s hard not to feel like because you didn’t do the right internships at 20, you’re never gonna get where you want to be. But this is neither here nor there. Back to the class thing … I think it’s about education, but also about mindset. Which is what danah was originally saying, I think. So back to danah’s essay. Danah posits that:

The goodie two shoes, jocks, athletes, or other “good” kids are now going to Facebook. These kids tend to come from families who emphasize education and going to college. They are part of what we’d call hegemonic society. They are primarily white, but not exclusively. They are in honors classes, looking forward to the prom, and live in a world dictated by after school activities. MySpace is still home for Latino/Hispanic teens, immigrant teens, “burnouts,” “alternative kids,” “art fags,” punks, emos, goths, gangstas, queer kids, and other kids who didn’t play into the dominant high school popularity paradigm. These are kids whose parents didn’t go to college, who are expected to get a job when they finish high school. These are the teens who plan to go into the military immediately after schools. Teens who are really into music or in a band are also on MySpace. MySpace has most of the kids who are socially ostracized at school because they are geeks, freaks, or queers.

She points out that this is visually represented by the difference in Myspace and Facebook aesthetics. Personally I am horrified when someone (usually not a current friend but someone I went to high school with or something) posts a glittery blinking loony toon flash graphic on my MySpace comments section. Similarly by people whose pages have, like, sixteen slide shows of their friends or their kids, graphic memes, and blinking backgrounds. But danah points out that in certain cultures, “showy, sparkly, brash visual displays are acceptable and valued” (that explains all those moving-waterfall-florescent-wall-hangings that are so popular in my home town).

The look and feel of MySpace resonates far better with subaltern communities than it does with the upwardly mobile hegemonic teens. This is even clear in the blogosphere where people talk about how gauche MySpace is while commending Facebook on its aesthetics. I’m sure that a visual analyst would be able to explain how classed aesthetics are, but aesthetics are more than simply the “eye of the beholder” – they are culturally narrated and replicated. That “clean” or “modern” look of Facebook is akin to West Elm or Pottery Barn or any poshy Scandinavian design house (that I admit I’m drawn to) while the more flashy look of MySpace resembles the Las Vegas imagery that attracts millions every year. I suspect that lifestyles have aesthetic values and that these are being reproduced on MySpace and Facebook.

This is getting really long, but the last thing I want to share from danah’s essay is her analysis of class divisions in military use of social networking sites.

A month ago, the military banned MySpace but not Facebook. This was a very interesting move because the division in the military reflects the division in high schools. Soldiers are on MySpace; officers are on Facebook. MySpace is the primary way that young soldiers communicate with their peers. When I first started tracking soldiers’ MySpace profiles, I had to take a long deep breath. Many of them were extremely pro-war, pro-guns, anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, pro-killing, and xenophobic as hell. Over the last year, I’ve watched more and more profiles emerge from soldiers who aren’t quite sure what they are doing in Iraq.

I can’t help but wonder if part of the goal is to cut off communication between current soldiers and the group that the military hopes to recruit. Many young soldiers’ profiles aren’t public so it’s not about making a bad public impression. That said, young soldiers tend to have reasonably large networks because they tend to accept friend requests of anyone that they knew back home which means that they’re connecting to almost everyone from their high school. Many of these familiar strangers write comments supporting them. But what happens if the soldiers start to question why they’re in Iraq? And if this is witnessed by high school students from working class communities who the Army intends to recruit?”

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Looking for even more ways to avoid interaaction with the real world? Ning is a “meta-networking” site that allows users to create their own social networks for whatever they want to. On the front page of the site right now (I’m assuming it changes daily) are networks for something called the Brooklyn Art Project, the “Sick Puppies Network,” and the “One Tree Hill VIP Lounge.” Ning’s passion, they tell us, is “putting new social networks in the hands of anyone with a good idea.”

With Ning, your social network can be anything and for anyone. You start by choosing a combination of features (videos, blogs, photos, forums, etc.) from an ever-growing list of options. Then customize how it looks, decide if it’s public or private, add your brand logo if you have one, and enable the people on your network to create their own custom personal profile pages.

I read about this today on Cultureby, and my first thought was, oh, that’s kind of cool, because I think I’m kind of conditioned to think that about every new Web platform that gets introduced. But then one of the commenters asked, “what is the value?”


What is the value added here? What do people get out of this? Why does everyone keep joining these things? At a certain point, do you really gain anything from joining a newer/bigger/more-compartmentalized/whatever network? Or do you just spend more time out of your day checking out 13.5 million sites, with absolutely nothing added for belonging to more than one? It’s kind of like blogrolls — the more blogs I read, the more other blogs I get led to, and the more blogs I, in turn, add to my RSS reader. At this point, I just look at my massive list of feeds every morning and feel daunted. I resort to skimming just about everything. I was probably better informed about life, the world and the blogosphere when I only read 5 blogs total.

(Another commenter at Cultureby pointed out that everyone keeps talking about how there needs to be one giant aggregator, something where you can combine Flickr, YouTube, blogging platforms, Facebook, LinkedIn, your RSS reader, etc., but if we got to that place, “would the security issues freak us all out?”)

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Following a link from Emily over at A Softer World, I came across this article on the Minneapolis/St. Paul local news site that describes the author’s disdain at what he calls the Little Blue Smurf boys of the art world.

Where a Scotch-sozzled Big Bruiser once ran onto the fire escape with a roar, rolling up his or her sleeves to challenge the whole U.S. of A. to step outside, now a smallish fellow in a knit cap and woolen sweater sits in the corner with a box of chocolate milk, giggling at his own inadvertent burps.

In the article, Matthew Wilder rips at Wes Anderson, Jonathan Safran Foer, and Conor Oberst as the embodiment of the “new male infantilism… a return to comfort, to nonresponsibility, to sleep.”

He seems to think that what we need in the arts scene is less of the skinny, tight-pants wearing boy-man and more tightrope-walking, fire-breathing circus acts out of the 1930s, to bring back the “America is a Man’s country” macho-nationalism that art has been rebelling against for years.

He claims that Foer’s novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, in which a 9-year old boy wanders around Manhattan after his father is killed in the World Trade Center, is “queasy-making” only because of it’s setting. Because obviously, any depiction of the World Trade Center that doesn’t include a flag-draped fireman saluting his country is anti-American and what god-forsaken artist could possibly have the gall to say something human about a child who lost his father? It just turns the stomach!

References to terrorism aside, Wilder mainly focuses on the recent trends in films, music, and writing where artists are 12-year-old boys, just talking about all of the things they really like. If Wes Anderson is a little boy picking flowers in a field, Wilder hopes that his large, burly father will come by soon and tell him to stop playing around because there are bigger things to worry about in the world, like terrorists or the economy.

What I want to know, though, is after all of the artists become the American Heroes of Wilder’s dreams, who is then left to worry about the clouds and the flowers, and everything else that artists should be concerned with?

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The more you pursue a higher education, the more likely you are to abandon your faith — at least that’s what conventional wisdom holds.

“Actually we’ve just been wrong about this for quite a while,” said Mark D. Regnerus, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Texas at Austin and one of the authors of a new study that suggests students who attend and graduate from college are more likely than others to hold on to their faith.


I mean, not that I care much about people holding on to their faith one way or another, but if it’s a blow to the ridiculous stigma of communist secular feminist indoctrination on college campuses, or that universities “were long ago taken over by an elite cadre of latte-quaffing, postmodern, anti-American ultra-liberals” …. well, sweet.

It’s not that colleges necessarily encourage faith, he said, but for all the talk about how intellectuals are out to destroy students’ relationships to their religions and God, the main obstacles to such relationships have to do with maturing and how young people spend their time. “Some kids were bound to lose [their faith] anyway and they do,” Regnerus said. But the evidence suggests that college isn’t responsible.

In fact, it found young adults who didn’t attend college more likely to give up on the whole religion business (76 percent of the non-college group reported a decline in attending religious services, compared to 59 percent of college students). There are obviously a lot of reasons for this difference other than that college somehow magically keeps people religious, but at least it sort of disproves the theory that crazy liberal universities turn everybody into secular humanists as well.

Although unfortunatley this fact — “those who have smoked pot experience more of a drop” in religous attendance — is totally going to get picked up and run with by social conservatives and anti-drug crusaders as some sort of illogical cause-and-effect scenario. Those should be some fun PSAs.

(Says Chad Orzel, “Clearly, militant atheists need to spend less time on education, and more time on the critical task of getting college students stoned and laid. Woo!”)

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What is serrefine. Ah, I get really giddy at spelling bee competitions. I rented Spellbound a couple of years ago and from there I’ve marked my calendar to watch the national spelling bee. And ever year I miss it. This year’s winner, Evan M. O’Dorney, is a spry 13 year old from California. For his loot, check this out.

As the champion, Evan will receive $30,000 in cash, a $5,000 college scholarship, a $2,500 savings bond, a reference library and a trophy, plus $5,000 in cash and 50 reference works for a school or public library of his choice.

Damn, I wish I was 13. It would help if I could spell well too.

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People are going to begin to get the idea that I’m obsessed with Laura Sessions Stepp. I’m not, I swear. It’s just that damn woman keeps coming up everywhere i go. Yesterday, she snuck up on me in a conversation I was having in the computer lab up at school. A classmate is writing her thesis on social norms on college campuses, and she was raving about a great interview she’d had with a writer from the washington post about college students and sex. “Oh, that’s great,” I said. “Who was it?”

Why, Laura Sessions Stepp, of course.

“She wrote this really interesting book called ‘Unhooked,'” my classmate said. “Have you heard of it?”

“Yes,” I replied, then quickly got re-engrossed in the excel spreadsheet on my computer. I had neither the inclination nor the heart to get into a debate about Unhooked with this well-meaning classmate who was basking in her post-Stepp-interview glow. But, alas, the conversation continued without me. Others had joined in, and now the classmate was detailing her interview, espousing the Unhooked party line with much zeal.

“She interviewed all these college women about their hookups and the sex they were having, and she found it was making all of them really, really unhappy,” the classmate was explaining to the computer lab, as she proceeded to go on about how maybe there should be more efforts on college campuses to tell girls they don’t have to have sex because maybe “hooking up” really does make young women unhappy.

Well of course it does! Sex makes a lot of people — women and men! — unhappy. Relationships in general make people unhappy. People get confused and hurt and rejected all the time; it’s a big mess all around and, dear god, especially in college. It’s also great fun, too. Which is why people keep having relationships and having sex, even if they do get hurt sometimes. It seems silly to me to take the premise that sometimes women get hurt in sexual relationships to the extension that they should therefore forego sexual relationships.

But what’s even stranger about the conclusions drawn by Step and the book and people advocating the book — and I should point out now that I haven’t actually read the book, so fault me for that if you will, but I feel like I’ve read and hear endlessly about the book — is that they point to what seems like the obvious and exact opposite of the right solutions.

The women interviewed in the book lament that “hooking up” isn’t leading to a relationship. They are hurt because they hooked up with someone and that person never called. They are hurt because they hooked up with someone then the person didn’t fall in love with them. They are hurt because they had a “friends with benefits” situation that contained no benefits they saw worthwhile. So Stepp and the advocates of this book will point to how sadly over-sexed our culture has become and how the evil feminists made women think they could just have sex like this and then be okay but they are not okay so what we need is less sex and less feminism.

What seems like the obvious conclusion to me (and a lot of other people who have blogged about this; I know I’m just regurgitating what’s been said time and again and better by others, but allow me my own unhooked-rant-time, okay?) about all this is that what it really means is we need more feminism and more sex. Or at least more openness about sex.

Because all the problems women in this book are having when it comes to sex come not from having sex per se, but from having sex for the wrong reasons. They are having sex when the don’t want to with people the don’t want to because they feel like it’s what they should be doing, or they are having sex with the expectations that it will land them a boyfriend or a relationship or prestige or love. They are using sex in order to try and get some sort of other benefit from it, and then getting upset when that other benefit doesn’t materialize.

It seems like what we should really be teaching young women, then, is not ‘you should not have sex because it will make you miserable,’ but ‘you should not have sex independent of your own wants and desires.’ (if it was 1995, I would type the word ‘duh!” after that sentence. Maybe even ‘no doy’). You should not have sex as a means to an end. You should have sex because you want to have sex. And if you do not want to, that’s okay. And if you do want to, that’s okay too.

Because another issue in this book seems to be guilt. From the clips and quotes I’ve read, a lot of these women seem to be expressing a lot of guilt for having casual sex, or a lot of shame from outside parties, which leads them to think they need to be in a relationship to have sex. This is another unfortunate byproduct of a culture that is not open about sex, and exactly the sort of thing we should be discouraging. Young women would probably be a lot more capable of enjoying sex for its own merits (and on their own terms) if they didn’t feel guilt and shame — from the outside world, and internalized from the messages they get all around them. The reason young women Stepp interviewed feel guilty and miserable about “hooking up” is because they and the world around them have not come to terms with female sexuality outside of using it to entice love or marriage or fraternity pins or whatever.

Stepp’s theory that “hooking up” in college and high school is entirely destructive is questionable in its own right, but even if we give this the benefit of the doubt and say that it is destructive — that it really is making hoards of women unhappy — then it seems the answer should be to figure out why it is making them unhappy and how we can change this, not just tell them to stop doing it.

Boomers these days …

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Last Tuesday, I posted about an article in the Washington Post on college students and the HPV vaccine. The article was written by everyone’s favorite kids-these-days (or, really, girls these days) hand-wringer, Laura Sessions Stepp. I started off the post intending to make the point that sometimes I think reporters on teens and young adults deliberately set out to make our generation as ridiculous as possible, but by the end of my post, I’d pretty much just joined in the snarking on those quoted for making statements like these:

There will always be something else out there, some other disease discovered, or a drug that doesn’t work anymore,” (Mallory) Kirsh says. “We’re always hearing about STDs becoming more prevalent. This is the time of our lives when we’re supposed to be carefree. Now there’s always some danger hovering above.”

Male partners are one reason protection is not more common, says GWU senior Adrian Tworecke from her perch in a wing chair at the Sigma Kappa sorority. “They’ll ask if you’re on birth control, and if you are, they’ll say they’re not going to use a condom.” And if a woman brings up the fact that a man can be infected with HPV and pass the virus to her?

“You’re going to offend him,” (Sierra) Strattner says. Or, senior Mallory Kirsh says, “He’ll say, ‘Do I look like someone who would have an STI?’ It’s so hard. It makes it look like you don’t trust him.”

Wow. Are college women out there really so vapid and desperate for male attention at any cost? Maybe not …

“Just so you know the quotes used in the article were taken out of context,” Adrian Tworecke commented here. “Ms Stepp took things that were said and twisted them for the sake of writing an article people would want to read. Your post makes it seem as though our generation is ignorant to the whole HPV siuation and we are not.”

“I was also interviewed for this article,” wrote Mallory Kirsh, “and my quotes were vastly taken out of context. What Stepp also failed to mention was that this past summer I interned at a major pharmaceutical company researching HPV and working on a soon to be launched vaccine. I was lead to believe she wanted to interview me because of my knowledge on HPV, but instead I was portrayed as an ignorant and promiscuous college students, both of which I am not.”

And, via e-mail, Strattner weighs in: “After talking to my friends and reading the washington post comments page (a HUGE mistake) I became really upset. I felt that even though my comments were correct they were taken out of context. Also, they were comments I made in the context of talking with my girlfriends that were actually generalizations about college students that i am around. I said things that were in relation to something else which unfortunately was not conveyed in the article. Also, a lot of what we discussed was missing, especially our more thought out and articulated concerns regarding the vaccine. The article came across as a bunch of vapid shallow sorority girls who dont want HPV to interfere with their sex life. This could not be further from the truth. While I don’t really fault Laura Sessions Stepp, I am disappointed that she portrayed our weaknesses instead of our strengths.”

I just thought this was interesting. Obviously, reporters have angles on stories all the time, and you can’t include all context and all angles in all stories. Strattner points out that the women interviewed were trying to relay how some people they knew felt about sex and STDs, so its not as if the observations were completely unrepresentative.

“I think the article accurately represented how college students feel, and if that worries people then its obviously a bigger issue,” she said.

But what’s a shame is that the article made it seem as if these particular girls were the ones that felt and acted in this way, and that’s not really fair to them.

Tworecke noted that it’s been difficult for them dealing with “the backlash from our friends and family about the mis-quotes in the article.”

And maybe I’m just being biased, but I think that articles about young people generally tend to take this angle as opposed to the “hey, young people do know and care about some stuff!” angle. Which makes sense, I suppose, since ignorance is more inherently newsworthy than knowledge. I mean, considering the nature of news and news production and all that, it’s not hard to see why this angle is appealing. But while it would seem irresponsible not to include this narrative, it’s irresponsible not to include the other side as well. And knowing Stepp’s previous work, it sort of makes it seem just all the more egregious that she only went with the young-women-are-getting-hurt-because-they’re-too-pressured-by-nasty-college-boys angle, and didn’t present the other side of the story.

This wasn’t an editorial piece she was writing; this was a health feature. And it feels like Stepp was using a health feature to advance her girls-are-fragile-flowers-who-are-hurt-by-feminism,-sex,-and-today’s-“hookup”-culture agenda.

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Sometimes I feel like the powers that be delight in making younger generations seem ridiculous.

A professor of mine, Lenny Steinhorn, who wrote The Greatest Generation: In Defense of the Baby Boom Legacy, complains that much of the criticism leveled at young boomers once upon a time was that “these were not serious people.” I recently saw a clip about a TV special on the lives of 25-year-old women, and Barbara Walters, interviewing the interviewer from the special, asked “Are they a serious group? Do they read newspapers? Do they care about the war in Iraq? Are they more concerned with having careers, or raising families?”

Putting aside the fact that it seems sort of silly to assume the only way to be a “serious person” is to read newspapers and follow the Iraq war, it seems by and large much sillier to think you can characterize an entire age cohort as careerist or family-oriented, serious or not serious, etc. Nonetheless, of course, the media often seem hell-bent on trying. Examples: two recent Washington Post stories dealing with issues surrounding DC-area college kids.

Now I’m a bit above this age cohort, but I find it hard to believe people have gotten drastically more ridiculous and frivolous in the past three years since I’ve been out of undergrad. This is, however, the only conclusion one could draw from these two stories.

The first is on college students and debt. Although the article points out that “the median education loan debt is nearly $20,000 for full-time students at four-year colleges,” and that tuition at Georgetown is $33,000 this year before fees and housing, it goes on to suggest that perhaps too many Georgetown students are really in debt because they are busy spending at “shops selling $200 jeans and bars mixing $15 cocktails.”

The second article is on the HPV vaccine, and why some college women are choosing not to get it. The article pretty much glosses over the fact that the shots are really expensive — $150 per shot for a 3-shot series — and that a lot of university health insurance plans don’t cover it yet. There are probably not many students who can afford the shot on their own, or without their student health insurance, and many more who may be under their parent’s insurance plans but are afraid to get the shot for fear their parents would then think they were having sex.

But reasons given in the article?

“There will always be something else out there, some other disease discovered, or a drug that doesn’t work anymore,” Kirsh says. “We’re always hearing about STDs becoming more prevalent. This is the time of our lives when we’re supposed to be carefree. Now there’s always some danger hovering above.”

Yeah, man, it’s amazing how health issues don’t really care if you’re in the blossom of youth, isn’t it? God, stop making me pay attention to things, I’m in my early 20s! I’m carefree, dammit. But it gets even better:

Some students prefer to focus on the dangers right in front of them, like the friend passed out after a party. Says Levey: “You see someone who’s wasted on alcohol or stoned on your couch. Viruses like HPV can seem minor by comparison.”

This seems like a ridculous, non-sequitar kind of comparison. How many people are ever going to find themselves in a situation where they only have once chance to get the HPV vaccine, and at the same time they have a drunk friend puking on their couch, and they have to decide, right then, which thing to pay attention to? I was going to get this vaccine, but then this guy on my couch was smoking a hookah, and I completely forgot about sexual health for the rest of my life?

Notable, of course, that the student who made the above statement was a male, who can’t get the vaccine, can’t even be tested for HPV, and is not gonna be at risk for cervical cancer if he gets it. Makes more sense why the stoned guys on his couch are gonna be much more pressing. But why is this even quoted in the article as a reason why women aren’t getting the shots?

What is interesting is some of the general sexual-politics sort of issues that a few of the college women bring up.

Some assume that hookup partners who can afford popped-collar shirts and expensive jeans are not the kind of guys who would be infected.

Really? I though everyone kind of assumed the popped-collar type of guys are gonna be the biggest STD-carriers? If only I’d know I could just stop using condoms if I start sleeping with men with more expensive pants!

Male partners are one reason protection is not more common, says GWU senior Adrian Tworecke from her perch in a wing chair at the Sigma Kappa sorority. “They’ll ask if you’re on birth control, and if you are, they’ll say they’re not going to use a condom.”

And if a woman brings up the fact that a man can be infected with HPV and pass the virus to her?

“You’re going to offend him,” Strattner says. Or, senior Mallory Kirsh says, “He’ll say, ‘Do I look like someone who would have an STI?’ It’s so hard. It makes it look like you don’t trust him.”

And obviously, trusting and pleasing your male partners is more important than worrying about your own health. I mean, they wear expensive jeans! What’s a little thing like speaking up for yourself when compared to that?

Edit: oh, goodness, I just noticed that the HPV article was written by miss Laura Sessions Stepp. It all makes so much more sense now….

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